Acne Excorie, also called picker’s acne, is an extremely common condition which can be seen in all types of acne and I encounter it in numerous patients in both The Woodlands dermatology and Conroe dermatology offices. The most common type of acne to be complicated with Acne Excorie is mild comedonal acne in patients with underlying obssessive compulsive disorder. The small comedones are pinched, picked and squeezed until they are much worse than the initial lesion. They develop intense inflammation from this manual manipulation and can even form deep cysts in the skin and significant scarring. Most patients report a sense of relief and pleasure from manipulating their acne lesions as they feel that “getting the oil and pus out” will expedite the resolution of the acne. This is a myth that couldn’t be further from the truth. I counsel patients with Acne Excorie that they are worsening their acne and to concentrate on breaking the habit of picking their acne. In many patients, I will treat the excoriated acne lesions with intralesional kenalog injections and a low potency topical steroid to reduce the sensation of pruritus/itching in these lesions. In some patients, Acne Excorie is a component of their prurigo, which is a condition in which the skin is excoriated in places other than the face.
October 7, 2010