Basal Cell Cancers are one of the most common conditions I encounter in both my The Woodlands dermatology and Conroe dermatology offices. They are almost exclusively caused by UV exposure and usually are not a manifestation of an underlying problem. However, patients with a diagnosis of Basal Cell Cancer before age 60, are at a slight increased risk of breast cancer, testicular cancer, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The diagnosis of Basal Cell Cancer also increases the risk of a patient developing melanoma and other skin cancers. This association is most likely due to a patient having a high level of UV exposure throughout their lifetime, so the skin has a significant amount of sun damage. Other cancers that are seen at a slightly higher incidence in patients with Basal Cell Cancer are salivary gland cancer, larynx cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer, and lymphatic cancer. Thus, patients with a diagnosis of Basal Cell Cancer need to see their board certified dermatologist every 6 to 12 months and have all their age appropriate cancer screenings performed by their primary care physician.