Keratosis Pilaris Atrophicans is a variant of the Keratosis Pilaris that occurs on the arms/face/trunk except this type has a predilection for the face. The lesions are spiny follicular papules appearing identical to typical Keratosis Pilaris lesions. They typically begin in childhood but they ultimately involute and leave atrophic pitted scars. If the lesions occur over hair bearing areas such as the eyebrows, they can cause permanent loss of hair (alopecia) in these areas. A specific variant called Ulerythema Ophryogenes is when it involves the lateral third of the eyebrows and causes the hair to be destroyed in this area. Keratosis Pilaris Atrophicans is very rare and is inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern. It can be associated with Noonan syndrome and the cardio-facial-cutaneous syndrome.
September 19, 2010

Medically reviewed by Anthony J. Perri, M.D.
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