Have you noticed a new, small, red mole or growth on your body, and are wondering what it is? The name that dermatologists use for these growths is cherry angiomas. These typically benign – that is, non-cancerous – moles usually appear on a resident’s torso, arms, legs, or shoulders. While anybody could get them at any age, they typically don’t start appearing on adults’ bodies until they’ve reached age 30.
What Gives a Cherry Angioma Its Red Color?
Dermatologists have discovered that cherry angiomas are red not because of skin pigment, but because of blood vessels. These red moles have been found to contain a small collection of blood vessels inside of them, giving them their bright, cherry red color.
Should You Be Concerned if You Discover a New Cherry Angioma on Your Body?
When it comes to cherry angiomas, the important thing to remember is that people usually aren’t born with them but develop them later in adulthood. This is completely normal. Still, any resident who discovers a cherry angioma on their body should mention it to dermatologist Dr. Perri during their annual skin screening appointment. But if you see any of the following symptoms, you shouldn’t wait until your yearly check-up and instead book an appointment with Dr. Perri right away:
- A cherry angioma that bleeds often
- Noticing that your cherry angioma is changing size and growing, evolving its shape, or changing its color
- Having a cherry angioma that is not circular or oval – which is its normal shape – but instead is asymmetrical
- Noticing that your cherry angioma is bigger than ¼ inch in diameter
If you notice any of these signs, dermatologist Dr. Perri will likely excise and biopsy your cherry angioma to check for cancerous cells, just to be on the safe side.
What Causes Cherry Angiomas?
Doctors aren’t quite certain what causes red moles to appear on the body during adulthood. While they suspect that genetics are at play, the condition certainly isn’t rare. In fact, 75% of adults 75 or older have at least 1 red mole on their body.
Trusting Dr. Perri for All of Your Dermatology Needs
Whether you have a cherry angioma that’s exhibiting some of the problematic symptoms listed above, Dr. Perri is here to help.
If you have any dermatology needs, you can always call Perri Dermatology to schedule an appointment at (281) 943-2749.